
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Ah, weekend

Had a really restorative holiday weekend. Kate ended up recovering enough to go camping with grandma and they were both quite happy. Took me about one additional hour to make it to our drop off point because of traffic but over all not too bad. Made it back to town in time to go see our SIFF film which was really great. Pramas wrote up a review that hit the high points and bumpy bits.

Saturday we joined Ray & Christine on their deck for a glorious evening of barbecuing and hanging out with the usual suspects. Bill and Chris left early to catch some SIFF and we caught up with John and Jenny. Heard a little bit about John's experiences at E3 and Jenny's recent trip to Hong Kong (so recent she'd only gotten back that day!) and her upcoming trip to Paris. Our friends have such interesting things going on! Christine grilled up some Copper River salmon and served it up with some sage oil and fried sage leaves that were out of this world. My mouth waters at the memory of it!

Sunday it was Memorial Weekend BBQ, part 2 with Bruce and Tim. Five hours of hanging out and grilling, mmm mmm mmm. Bruce and I picked up some alderwood smoked salt at a foodie event last year and have both settled on using it with grilled meat. It's one of my favorite preparations now, just delicious. I took a page out of Ray and Christine's book and grilled up some pears with blue cheese for dessert. Ate entirely too much and wasn't at all hungry for the rest of the day. Tim loaned me Collapse which I'm looking forward to digging into.

Today was supposed to be more grilling and more movies but I'd actually gotten a really good night's sleep for the first time in weeks, and really felt like being a slug. For weeks I've been sleeping poorly, four or five hours a night and then laying awake, and I was starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation the likes of which I haven't felt since Kate was a baby. Today was purely rest and relaxation, napping and doing puzzles and watching TiVo. Chris went to see The Gits movie without me, but that's probably for the best. I really needed the rest.


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