
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Sore throat fading

My sore throat is starting to abate. This pleases me greatly, I hope to be much more productive in the couple of weeks we have leading up to Origins.

It comes as no surprise to most that Wil Wheaton is my kind of geek. He's got an extremely cute blog entry, live from the Star Trek cruise he and his wife are on at the moment. Aside from being a famous television personality (that little thing, p'shaw) he's very much like any of the other wonderful, talented, sensitive, socially-conscious, smart-assed geeks I've surrounded myself with, and reading his blog is a delight. He's both entertaining and familiar, and reading his heartfelt stories about his interactions with his step-sons, or his all-out smitten-ness with his wife never fails to bring a smile to my face. Plus his favorite food is Guinness. A man after my own heart!

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Strong Bad

Strong Bad rocks. Don't believe me? Check it out!

Don't forget the t-shirts.

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