
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Today's Excellent Meal

I just adore Heidi Swanson's food blog, 101Cookbooks.com so when I was thinking of what to make for lunch today (which turned into a bit of an impromptu Bed Day when Kate went over to a friend's house for the day) I immediately thought of the gorgeous Vegetarian Split Pea Soup recipe she just posted. Inspired, I added her Curried Egg Salad on a piece of whole grain dark toast.

It turned out great! The soup really benefited from the garnishes: olive oil, smoked paprika, and just a hit of lemon zest. Wow, what a winner!

Heidi's book, Super Natural Cooking, is also an excellent resource. I highly recommend browsing around Heidi's generous blog archives and if you like what you see, give the cookbook a look for yourselves.

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Anonymous Amy Jo Says:

I completely agree. 101cookbooks is one of my favorite food blogs and I love and use regularly both of Heidi's cookbooks. Tonight I am making one of my favorite Heidi recipes--barley risotto!


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