
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Windstorm 2006

I was awake and listening to debris hit the side of the house when the power started flickering and finally went out. It stayed off for 34 hours, and I know there are others who are still without power now. We were very fortunate. We had no property damage and aside from the temperature in the house getting pretty cold last night everything was okay. The gas stayed on so we had hot water for showers and for cooking. Drank lots of hot tea yesterday and that helped a lot. The oven apparently has a safety-off, though, because we couldn't light that with a match like we could the stove top (which put a damper on my plan to do some baking to help keep the kitchen warm). Chris dug out an old non-cordless phone so we had phone service last night. The cable and internet were still out until a few minutes ago but even they're back up and running now so we're feeling pretty fortunate.

I took photos of a lot of downed trees and branches around us when I went out yesterday. Our neighbor across the alley lost a large section of shingles on her roof and some big trees came down at the community center but we suffered no property damage, thank goodness!

It was totally dark in the house by 5:00 but we hunkered down and played board games by candlelight. If it hadn't been so chilly in the house it would have been almost fun. Had to cancel Kate's birthday party since we had no way of telling if we'd have power tonight or not, so no sleepover and no Eragon. Poor kiddo, she's disappointed but handling it maturely. I told her we'll plan a big make-up event in January for after the holidays.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

With no post on Friday, I was wondering you guys were doing alright due to the storm. It sounds like you're all doing well, which is a relief.


Anonymous Anonymous Says:

With no post on Friday, I was wondering you guys were doing alright due to the storm. It sounds like you're all doing well, which is a relief.


Blogger Brian Says:

Very glad that ya'all are all right up there. It's been pretty darn cold down here in the Bay, but nowhere near as cold as up there (obviously).

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Well, I guess the comments were working yesterday...sorry about the double post...


Anonymous Anonymous Says:

We had a big windstorm at our place a couple weeks ago. Snapped the two bungee cords that were securing the double rocker, allowing it to skitter it's way across the porch, coming to rest blocking the front door.



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