
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Out of Town

Rough week for Green Ronin's ownership. Saturday night Hal's dad died. Yesterday, alone in Vancouver because Chris had gone to Boston for the funeral of his aunt, I found myself drawn to Stamps Landing.

This was Nigel's place. We gathered here every week, our erstwhile writers group, and this was the birthplace of Bootstrap Press, our Adventures Unlimited Magazine publishing group. As my friends and family mourn their loved ones, I mourn with them. Inevitably, my thoughts return to Nigel for the greatest mourning I've ever done was for him.

I was in town for Kate's final performance for Shakespeare camp. She was great! Jess and Shelby were up in Vancouver for the weekend, so they came to the show and we hung out afterward. Had a picnic, watched people flying kites, stopped at a candy store, walked the entire seawalk between Cambie and Granville (and back) looking for Nigel's memorial bench. Kate and I read every plaque on every memorial bench along the whole route but didn't find it. Got choked up reading all the memorials for others, anyway. All in all it was a beautiful day.

Today we head down to Portland to see my grandma, the one who was so close to death in April. She's recovered now and back in Oregon to visit family. Not to be morbid, but this may be our last visit and I'm going to take it. Will be gone (and away from the web) until Wednesday, when Pramas also returns. Then it's prep for Gen Con. Where did July go?


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