
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.



Thank goodness for leftovers! I've been dining on leftovers from the wine party for the last two days. Chris made a double batch of his famous hummus at my request so I could be certain to have some left over, which I enjoyed today for lunch. It matches shockingly well with the O Organics Blue Corn Tortilla Chips With Sesame Seeds that Evan and Rona brought as a party gift. So good! I've also been tucking into the leftover cheese and bread...and, of course, I have to finish off those two open bottles of wine. Even with the vacuum seal, one must do one's duty. Tomorrow it's going to be the last of the Salad Nicoise and some melon wrapped in the remaining prosciutto, no cooking involved.

Ah, bliss.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Mmm. If there is a heaven, it looks like your fridge the day after a party. . . .



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