
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


My grandma

I wrote about my grandmother's state of health in January. Yesterday she had the second of her scheduled surgeries for her clogged carotid arteries. She came out of the surgery much better this time around, but began complaining of a headache soon after. Her headache grew worse and worse, and shortly after it became apparent that she'd had a stroke.

My mom has called to let me know that grandma has a blood clot on the brain. They're trying drugs to break up the clot, but she's on other drugs for blood pressure and other things that they can't take her off of and that are influencing her treatment. She's in a coma and on life support at the moment. My mother is not doing well and is frantic to get to Yuma before it's too late. If this is as bad as it seems, my mom is going to need me and there is going to be all sorts of drama. I dread it, but I will not shirk.


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