
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.



My friend Ruth, recently evacuated from Houston with her three kids, checks in to let us know she's safe and sound in Oklahoma City with this bit of trivia:

It's the birthday of the singer and songwriter Bruce Springsteen, born in
Freehold, New Jersey (1949). ...

Monmouth County, where Bruce Springsteen grew up, lost more people in the World Trade Center than any other county in New Jersey. He read the New York Times obituaries, and he saw how many times one of his songs was played at a memorial service and how many of the articles mentioned that the deceased had loved Springsteen's music. There was a headline for one man, Jim Berger, that read: "Fan of the Boss," so Springsteen called up his widow, Suzanne. Another fan was a firefighter named Joe Farrelly, and Springsteen called his wife as well. She later said, "I got through Joe's memorial and a good month and a half on that phone call."

I've been in a state lately, just too much going on under the surface as I spend another day slogging through the rubble left behind by the little "Osseum Bomb" Adam Williams left for me. Kate caught me holed up in the bedroom crying at the "Victims of Hurricane Katrina" episode of Animal Cops Houston the other night. I could do the same just thinking of Bruce Springsteen calling 9/11 widows.


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Blogger BeK Says:

Not to encourage another crying jag, but if Pramas can stand listening to Bruce for about five minutes, "You're Missing" (from 'The Rising') is one of the only 9/11-themed songs that comes close to encapsulating that feeling of loss.

Lyrics and musical snippet can be had here:



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