
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Halloween Party

Had a great party last night. Good fun, lots of LJers in attendence and many great costumes, saw lots of people we rarely see. Wolfgang came dressed as the Pumpkin King for the evening and he and Shelly entertained with the story of how he won Brunch for Life at Salty's.

Brannon, with costume-clad son Stone and young Master Cody Pondsmith (none of whom we'd since Cody's birthday party last spring) joined us early in the evening to Kate's delight. Michelle and David arrived with their darling boys in costume. I think I scared poor William, who in a very small but polite voice said "No thank you" when I offered him some Monster Toes. David was nice enough to run back to his house during the party to fetch some additional Xbox controllers so there could be some 4-way Halo action.

One of my life-rules is "Don't have more kids than you have hands," and to that I'm adding, "Don't have more kids than you have Xbox controllers." One of those friends we rarely see anymore, long-time WotC editor Jennifer Clark Wilkes came bearing wine. It was great to finally see Bruce B., who I've not seen since he moved back to the area (despite his getting together with Kate and Chris on multiple occasions). Bless his heart, the last guest had barely departed the party and he had photos of the evening posted already.

Regular game night attendees Jess, Bruce H. and Tim joined in the festivities and helped out by bringing much-needed ice, judging the pumpkin carving contest, and schooling the kids in Halo respectively. "Cooking Club" members Nihar and Pooja arrived in full costume and were kind enough to help me on some of the last minute prep on my "Monster Toes" and "eyeballs" when I discovered that having gigantic scary fake fingernails as part of my costume was not condusive to peeling eggs and removing toothpicks from my spooky hors d'oeuvres.

Friends Nate and Erika brought their infant, Ruby, who was just the sweetest thing. Hadn't met Ruby yet, so that was an extra pleasure, and Nate and Erika recently bought a house in my neck of the woods so we're planning to try getting together more often now that we're virtually neighbors.

The greatest bonus of the party was that even after all the cooking, eating and drinking, and pumpking carving, we still had a net-gain in the cleanliness and orderliness of the house. Hosting the party inspired us to move a lot stuff around, Chris reorganized his office and the Green Ronin product and we made more space in both the living room and the kitchen. If we had parties more often, just imagine how clean and orderly we would be!


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