
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Public School

I got a call from Kate's special ed teacher, who is writing up Kate's IEP. I have an appointment to meet with the school next week about it. It was really a nice conversation, as Michelle really likes Kate and calls her "a wonderful child" and "one of my favorite students of all time" and really gushed about Kate's kindness and caring and poetic expression, called her gifted several times, and is even talking about how Kate's skills are going to carry her far and how well she should be able to do with some accomodations. She was puzzled that Kate only qualified for services in written expression, but guessed that Kate improved enough with the reading room help last year that she's not "enough" behind even though she's not performing to potential. Michelle said that at the end of last year Kate's emotions seemed to be very stable and she doesn't think that's going to be an issue.

Anyway, after last year with her awful teacher, it's been such a relief to hear feedback that recognizes Kate's strengths and doesn't look at her weaknesses as insurmountable.


for this post

Blogger BeK Says:


Anonymous Anonymous Says:

IEP = Individual Education Program
It is a document that sets out what the educational goals are for the child, and how the teacher (and parents) are going to achieve those goals. (There's probably a bit more to it than that, but I think that's the basics.)

John K.


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